hiding out streak gets busted by (@iD_magazine) … "Straight Up I'll tell U"An essay by Haleh.tvBeing "straight up" is a tough way to live. You give up everything in order to gain what's real.Straight up here I am, being witnessed in my look which is more so my brand than ever, and in hindsight it always was.To influence means to embody your truth, and release all stagnation , lies, and ties.Being witnessed straight up from this publication carries significance in my being as it shaped my thoughts and influenced me to feel comforted by what I was seeking during formative years.My hope is there will always be raw intelligence in the media, as I remember and salute the era of The Face, and I-D in their original incarnations and intentions.#iDmagazine #idmagazine #halehnematzadeh #halehtv #nofilter #hashtaggingisOdbutsometimesgottadoem